first up all lets find whats the vb toolbar is
pointer:-pionter helps to bring back to tipical pointer
- Label:-adds label to form
- frame:-gives frame to the form
- chekbox(chkbx):-its a box when we clicks it get ticks
- list box:-box containing data
- hscrollbar:-scrolls form horizondally
- vscrollbar :-scrolls form vertically
- timer:-gives time
- dirlistbox:-give information about Directories
- shape:-Can draw squires rectangles ect
- OLE:- provide Ole ffuctions
- Data:-Helps in data base enabled programming
- line:-Draws aline
- Filelistbox:-Lists file detailes
- drivelistbox:-Lists file detailes
- combobuton:-the button seen usaly 4 typing date of birth
- optionbutton:-a circle while clicks a dot will appear
- Commandbutton:-the typical buttton
- Textbox:-the text box helps to bring text in the form
- picturebox:-gives picture to the form
Drag each of these in a form in next blog I will Blog u the programming in visual basic
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